304 North Cardinal St.
Dorchester Center, MA 02124

Work Hours
Monday to Friday: 7AM - 7PM
Weekend: 10AM - 5PM

100Cr6 steel is a commonly used grade for bearings and automotive components due to its excellent mechanical properties and chemical composition.

Mechanical properties:
– High hardness: 100Cr6 steel has a typical hardness of 62-66 HRC, making it suitable for applications that require high wear resistance.
– Good toughness: It possesses a good combination of strength and toughness, allowing it to withstand heavy loads and impact.
– High fatigue strength: It has excellent fatigue resistance, making it suitable for applications subjected to repetitive stress and cyclic loading.
– High rolling contact fatigue strength: 100Cr6 steel exhibits excellent resistance to rolling contact fatigue, making it ideal for use in bearings and other rotating components.
– Good dimensional stability: It has low susceptibility to dimensional changes under heat treatment, ensuring accurate and consistent performance.

Chemical composition:
– Carbon (C): 0.93-1.05%
– Chromium (Cr): 1.30-1.65%
– Manganese (Mn): 0.25-0.50%
– Silicon (Si): 0.15-0.35%
– Phosphorus (P): ≤ 0.025%
– Sulfur (S): ≤ 0.015%
– Other alloying elements such as nickel (Ni) and molybdenum (Mo) may be present in small quantities.

These chemical composition ranges provide 100Cr6 steel with its desired properties of high hardness, toughness, fatigue strength, and rolling contact fatigue resistance. The precise composition may vary slightly depending on the manufacturing process and application requirements.

Due to its excellent mechanical properties and chemical composition, 100Cr6 steel is widely used in the production of bearings, gears, shafts, and other automotive components that require high wear resistance and reliable performance under heavy loads.
100Cr6 Steel grade